Ozark Turf Association Announces the 2023 Annual Meeting
/The Ozark Turf Association is announcing the Annual Meeting to be held on January 18th, 2023, at Highland Springs Country Club.
The meeting will commence at approximately 1:45 PM after the last speaker for our education day.
A ballot will come out with the agenda of the day and meeting.
We will be voting on the following bylaws issues:
Adding Equipment Manager to our membership categories to comply with the new GCSAA Affiliation Agreement
Changing the date of the annual meeting from December to January.
Expanding the avenues for announcing the Annual Meeting.
We will also be voting on retaining the following officers: President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
We should have the agenda finalized and out in the next week or so. You can RSVP for the meeting starting now.
Cost will be $25 for members and their staffs, $30 for non-members. Details to follow with the schedule and on the website.