Ozark Turf Association Participates in Rounds 4 Research

The Ozark Turf Association participated in the Golf Course Superintendent Association of America national Rounds 4 Research auction for the first time this past April.

GCSAA Chapters have their member facilities donate rounds for the nationwide auction. Funds raised are then sent back to the chapters to use for supporting turf research, scholarships or education.

In our first auction we had 7 member facilities donate 10 rounds for foursomes, which raised $756.00. We will make an announcement in the near future on how the board voted to distribute the funds.

We thank the following Golf Courses for their donations: Ledgestone C.C. donated 3 foursomes; Twin Hills C.C. donated two foursomes; Silo Ridge C.C. donated a foursome; Whispering Hills G.C. donated a foursome; and The Springfield-Greene County Park Board’s three courses, Rivercut G.C., Bill and Payne Stewart G.C. and Horton Smith G.C. each donated a foursome.

We thank these courses for donating to the auction, and we hope to encourage more of our member courses to participate in the 2023 Auction scheduled for April 24th-30th, 2023.