Dakota Carr Awarded the OTA Industry Scholarship

The Ozark Turf Association awarded the 2022 – 2023 OTA Industry Scholarship to Mr. Dakota Carr of Hollister, MO. Dakota is a 2016 graduate of Morris High School in Morris OK and graduated from the College of the Ozarks in 2019 with a BA in Criminal Justice. He is currently attending Walla Walla Community College working on his Associates Degree in Turf Management, with a graduation date of 2024.  He is attending Walla Walla through their virtual platform, while working as an Assistant in Training at Payne’s Valley under the direct mentorship of OTA Member, Steve Johnson, CGCS, Golf Course Superintendent, Payne’s Valley and Mountain Top at Big Cedar Golf under the leadership of Director of Agronomy, Jeff Steen, CGCS.  Dakota currently holds a Missouri Pesticide License in Core and Category 3 Turf and Ornamental pest control.

The Ozark Turf Association Industry Scholarship is open to employees who work for OTA member’s facilities and are pursuing a career in the turf industry. Awards of $3,000 are given to recipients and funded by the OTA members through their annual scholarship and research outing held each year.