OTA February Bowling Meeting Results

We had a nice turnout at our bowling meeting, although as some of us get longer in the tooth, we see more of our members sitting back and enjoying each other’s company and telling stories rather than lacing up their bowling shoes. We had 23 attend the meeting with 17 of us taking to the lanes.

We gave out prizes for high score, high series, and high team score using the 9 pin no tap format.

This year our high score of 220 and our high series of 664 both rolled by Scott Hendrickson, former assistant superintendent at Hickory Hills Country Club, he is taking the money and running (If you don’t automatically think of the Steve Miller Band song, you’re too young) to Arkansas and Springdale Country Club as an assistant superintendent there. We wish him the best of luck and also thank him for allowing the rest of us to have a chance next year.

Scott also led his team to a total of 1919 pins, beating the second-place team by just 21 pins. His team consisted of Andrew Mills, assistant superintendent at Ledgestone Country Club, Derrick Edwards, Field Manager for the Springfield Cardinals, and Austen Gearheart, territory manager for Advanced Turf Specialties.

A great time was had by all, and we look forward to next year’s event. Later this month, we do hope everyone has put our next meeting on their calendar. We will be meeting on Wednesday March 29th at the Betty Allison at Oscar Blom par 3 course next to the Bill and Payne Stewart course in Springfield. This meeting is presented by FMC. Our speaker is Matt Bradley with FMC and his topic is title “Under the Microscope: Things to Consider When Building Effective Fungicide Programs in Turf”. More information is on the website. We’ll see you there!