Results of the 2025 OTA Bowling Meeting
/The Ozark Turf Association held their annual bowling meeting on a cold sunny day last Friday at Enterprise Park Lanes, the lanes that the pros bowl on.
First place in the 9-pin no tap was Greg Nichols, assistant superintendent at Schifferdecker Golf Course rolling a 705. Second place went to Joey Roberts, superintendent at Holiday Hills Golf Resort with a 642, and third place went to Barry Siems of Precision Turf Products bowling a 591.
The winning team consisted of Gary Nichols, OTA President, Jonathan Prange, CGCS superintendent at Highland Springs Country Club, OTA Vice President, Kolby Armburster, superintendent at Ledgeston Country Club, Sam Richart, superintendent Fremont Hills Country Club, and Tyler Fishel of GreensPro.
The most improved bowler this year was Jon Prange, who had an 111 average from previous seasons of bowling, who this year rolled games of 220, 177, and 152. In golf, that’s called sandbagging, I don’t know what they call it in bowling. There were a few scores where bowlers were nowhere near their averages, which seems common when most of us bowl only once a year.
We also recognized outgoing OTA President Maron Towse, superintendent at Schifferdecker Golf Course.
Thanks go out to the staff at Enterprise Park Lanes for hosting us for another year.